Levidian Swan
Bloodline: (Based on joining icon) Mclean, Burrell, Edmonds, Heinz.
Clan: Ventra
Lead: Ani'hala
Pillar: Equal & Fair Distribution
Symbol: Scales
Second symbol: Swan Lake
Domain: Rahl
House type: Great house, Prime house
Sigil: Swan
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To be part of the swans house means that you are one who knows how to Shine your light and make a positive impact on the world.
Who can guide you through the darkness, except you surrender to the light which directs your path.
The ways of the Swans will allow you to know that you can be a future success and not a future failure. Amidst every challenge and storm that life throws at you, you can walk with your head held high. You are sure to know the meaning of being an overcomer and recognise how to triumph in the face of adversity. Faith will be the pillar that leads each person to Joy, happiness, peace, wisdom, grace, unrelenting love and favour.
The Swan house will never give up on those who fall into deep waters but they will know the true value of fealty, Our hope is that this will be something passed on to the generations that follow.
Those that walk with the Swan house, will be discerning and empower others to be the best part of them selves. They should inspire hope and elevate those who may be lost.
This house is kind and fair, loving and tender but also strong and unrelenting in our pursuits for purposeful living.
I am Ani'hala Ventra and this is the house of Rahl, the reigning Swans of Levidier, future children of the Ent.
Unah , Hu
Formation Period
Founding house,
Pre third act ERA
Original Recruit: Solen Voltaris
Known to be compassionate, logical and wise. Always a minimum of three steps ahead in any situation. He’s an idealistic realist who takes a
lot of pride in beating the odds and overcoming any obstacles or challenges that he faces. A
force of nature a kin to fire, a lIving oxymoron, wild and ferocious, yet calm and composed.
He drives everything forward with force and precision. He will not stop until the exact image
he formulates in his mind is the exact reality he lives.