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Levidian ox


Bloodline: (Based on joining icon) Thomas, Johnson, Battiste,Luke 


Lead: Rayodon

Pillar:Bi-laws ,Venues and Acquisitions 

Symbol: Anchor

Second symbol: Iron Rock

Domain: Rayodon

House type: Founding house, Great house

Sigil: OX


Click Portraits Below

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The house of the Oxen

The Oxen house represents a place of strength, protection and faith. Unyielding strength does not mean to be strong at all times but means to have the understanding that there is a time that you need to be weak to have the ability to have real strength to overcome . Your real strength comes from within and you should never loose sight in that . What you overcame yesterday prepares you for what you may have to overcome tomorrow .




Understanding your power that you have within . We all have the freedom to make choices in life that affects our perception on what we see in ourselves or other people . Some may have experienced a time when they felt powerless or that they have experienced a lack of freedom due to this they may feel weak or uncapable . To be put in this position and having the ability to survive it is one thing but being able to overcome this is an other . Some people in life will allow these experiences to dictate actions of the future which allows them to always relive the sense of feeling powerless day to day . To take back your power is having the ability is not to allow theses experiences dictate every action you take in the future . This is the start of strength.



All good things come to those to wait to have patience . We believe there is a season for everything and whatever comes your way happens in due time . There may be a time in life that you have been asking for one thing to happen just so that other things can just fall in place . It may become frustrating as it seems like time continues to go but yet you are still waiting . Have you every thought that you may not be ready for this specific thing or that you need to wait for it so that you have the ability to appreciate it to the full capacity  . Nothing worth having should come easy but when you work hard for something you will appreciate it more . So at times it may feel time-consuming or like you want to give up at that moment just remember it will happen in due time .

Information & Trivia

The Ox's Are known as House "Rayodon Tahrien", this is a combination of their Domain name and Levidian Family name.

Formation Period

Foundation house,
Pre third act ERA

Original Recruit: Solen Voltaris


Known to be caring, loving, selfless, patient, kind, determined, dedicated, hard working, enduring, and loyal . 

who is Observant , protective , precise . The house of the oxen is a yielding strength of the ent . Which Protects what the ent has and stands for .



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