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House of Owls

High House of the ENT.

Further information about this house not publicly available. 

What The Ent Says About Na'Tier

Na’Tier the Owl (outside of Veh’Lore), I have not met a another man with such moral fortitude, which in my eyes makes him a true man of greatness. He possesses wisdom like the lions, nobility like the mountain wolves, endurance like the ox house, and skills like the forest wolves, he has a true sense of morality and value, conducts himself with high standards and encourages it in those around him. He is fun to be around, humble yet graceful, he takes him time to think and look at things from various angles before taking action. He is an asset In any team any position or any place he’s placed in. In addition to this he is a loyal man who is clever and ambitious yet loyal and committed when he has a worthy cause. He’s valuable and he matters because his worth cannot be overestimated and his commitment can never be questioned. Along with Tehl’an Na’Tier was instrumental During the Infinity Spark Era of Ent history, a lot of the successes and victories during that period being credited to him and his actions.

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